Monday, April 27, 2009

Blogger Award

So, I've been tagged by three friends already with this "award" so I guess I'll be a good sport and play along. These are fun, anyway, because it teaches you a little about your friends.

So here are the rules:
1. When given the award you write about the seven things that you love
2. Pass the award to 7 bloggers that you love, and be sure to tag them and let them know they've won. (You can copy the picture of the award and paste it on your sideboard.)

Seven things that I love:
1. Jesus
2. My family
3. Watching Anna Kate grow and entertain me daily.
4. My friends! Especially my "gals".... you know who you are!
5. My Sunday School class (cutest 3 yr olds on Earth!)
6. Going somewhere on vacation that I've never been. I love to try "new" places, although I don't get to do it as often as I'd like. I'm thinking I'll travel more when the girls are a little older. New York is one of my favorites, so far.
7. Organizing... Yes, I know this is nerdy, but I love to have things in order, it is part of being a self-diagnosed OCD nut. I'll never feel organized "enough" and it drives me a little crazy but is part of my personality.

Now I give this award to seven friends and bloggers.(this means you get to put this cute little award on your blog so don't let me down by not participating and passing it along.)
I give the award to:
1. The Lantrip Family
2. The Davis Family
3. The Pruitt Family
4. The Hughes Family
5. The Turner Family
6. The Stanley Family
7. The Atchison Family

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