Anna Kate won 2nd place at her school pageant and the People's Choice award (audience vote.) I was a proud mommy (and that pageant wore me out!) I never thought I'd be a "stage mom" but I was so nervous about the pageant, even more so than Anna Kate. It was fun, but I got my first taste of doing "competition" with kids. I'm not sure I'm up for it with two girls:) Gotta lot of years of this stuff ahead of me!
Kinley is growing too fast! I blink and she's another month old. I want her to stay tiny. I'm already missing the little 8 pounds, 11 ounces I brought home. Now she's 12 pounds, 9 ounces and thinks she's 6 months old. She's only 3 months old, but she is sitting in her exersaucer already because she gets bored laying down or swinging. She likes to chatter just like big sis. She coos at me like she's trying to talk to me and has the sweetest smile (BIG dimples like sis.) I'm having fun with her, but wish I could slow down time.
Here are some pics of our latest fun times: